My Favorite Green Juice

My Favorite Green Juice #ABRecipes
My Favorite Green Juice

I have decided to take care of my health and have done some changes to my diet as well as I started juicing. My journey started when I tried the Suja Juices then I got hooked! I have been experimenting a lot with different combinations for green juice but I found my favorite formula, that is why today I want to share with my my latest and most favorite green juice smoothie.

Ingredients to prepare my favorite green juice smoothie #ABRecipes
Ingredients to prepare my favorite green juice smoothie


1 banana
1/2 cucumber
1 cup of organic romaine lettuce
1 cup of organic purple lettuce
1 sprig of fresh mint
1 cup of orange juice or a whole Valencia orange
1/2 cup of filtered water

Preparation Time: 5 minutes. Makes 2 servings (12 ounces each), Cost per serving less than $3.00 depending of the cost of the ingredients at your local supermarket. You will need a high performance blender or a professional blender one of those found at chef’s kitchens. This is important to get the desired results as you want all the veggies and the fruit to be blended perfectly. If you don’t have access to that kind of blender you can use one of those blenders intended for blending smoothies though you will need to chop all the fruit and the veggies.

My Favorite Green Juice healthy snack #ABRecipes
My Favorite Green Juice healthy snack

Place all the ingredients in the blender and mix until getting a smoothie consistency. Serve immediately and enjoy as a treat for a mid afternoon break or for breakfast. Green juices and smoothies aren’t meal replacements as you need to have a balanced diet, though green juice is a great smoothie to take for refreshing your body after a workout  and to make sure you eat your daily dose of veggies.

My Favorite Green Juice and Painting from Cuba #ABRecipes
My Favorite Green Juice and artwork from Cuba painted by my cousin who lives in the island.

Including raw veggies into your diet is good for your body as those include fiber and keep you regular. I invite you to start experimenting on different combinations you will be amazed how many different green juices you can prepare and then when you find your favorite bingo  you got yourself your very own personal formula. So this Saint Patrick’s day instead or raising the glass of beer cheer with a healthy green juice.






Chef Adriana Martin
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