Adriana Martin Contributor to Produce for Kids

Adriana Martin now collaborating with the Produce For Kids blog. Where her latino culture and flair will be showcased via recipes and menu suggestions.

Produce for Kids Blog New Contributors
Adriana Martin now collaborating with the Produce for Kids Blog

I am very honored to officially announce that I will start collaborating with the Produce For Kids blog and now many of my recipes will be featured on their site. I will be providing insights on latino menu items and latino food culture as well as menu ideas for incorporating latino flavors to homemade meals. Produce for Kids® is a resource for parents on healthy eating and this year they are celebrating their fifth anniversary since this organization was launched in 2002 by Shuman Produce Inc, a leading grower and shipper of Vidalia® sweet onions.

Grilled Turkey Tenderloin Mushroom Salad with Greens and Steamed Asparagus #ABRecipes
Grilled Turkey Tenderloin Mushroom Salad with Greens and Steamed Asparagus

The Produce for Kids focus and mission is to educate families on the benefits of healthy eating habits. On their website they publish menu options and helpful information about produce, so that moms and dads can pack better school lunches and prepare well balanced dishes for dinner at home.

Produce for Kids® is a philanthropically based organization that brings the produce industry together to educate consumers about healthy eating with fresh produce and raises funds for local children’s non-profit organizations.

Produce For Kids Making the Difference
Produce For Kids Making the Difference

They support organizations like Feeding America and are very involved with the community and the produce industry participating actively in many important showcases like the Southern Exposure, event that is being held this week at Hollywood, FL. This weekend I will be heading to South Florida to join the Produce for Kids executives at the Southern Exposure where they will be making important announcements for 2016 as well as will introduce the new line up of food bloggers that have been added to their already stellar line up of collaborators to their blog.

On a recent interview this is what Trish James, Vice President at Produce for Kids said about the new contributors to the Produce for Kids Blog:

Our team of blog contributors take into consideration what they are hearing from their online audiences and what’s happening in their own homes before creating posts for the Produce for Kids audience. What’s great is that every contributor has their own niche so the content is very diverse.

I am so honored and proud to collaborate with Produce for Kids bringing my latino flavors to their publication. You can follow them on Twitter with the hashtag #produceforkids. You can also stay informed on produce news on their Facebook page and engage with them on Instagram.

One of my favorite Produce for Kids posts are those that inform what is in season so that we can prepare fabulous meals with seasonal ingredients at home. Check out March, many fresh ingredients for creating wholesome and colorful meals.

What is in Season for March
What is in Season for March. Courtesy of Produce for Kids®


Produce for Kids Contributor
Adriana Matin, Produce for Kids® Contributor




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